Art Programs
Art Programs
Urban Poets offers literacy support for the youth through art programs and workshops.
Our goal is to expand new forms of art and technology to lower-income communities that traditionally have
less access to resources and exposure to various art fields.
Artist Workshops
Coming Soon
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- - Brand Development
- - Website Development
Art & Culture
The Urban Art Collab is an annual program that offers participants the opportunity to engage
with art, culture, and history, develop workplace and team-building skills, and learn about various
professional options and career paths. We encourage students to use their creativity and teamwork skills to
create a musical recording that promotes positive social change.
The program offers three project-based courses, allowing high school students who have had limited access to
computers and other technologies the opportunity to create new forms of art. We invite students to learn how
to write poetry, produce music and record audio. Our workshops are led by Subject Matter Experts, which are
industry professionals with a high level of experience within their prospective art field.
The workshops will teach, inspire and challenge students while strengthening teamwork skills. At the end of
the program, students are asked to perform their musical creation, and we invite our SMEs to help evaluate
their projects. We also invite the students' friends and family to our closing ceremony.
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Get in Touch
2296 Ewing St SW
Atlanta, Ga 30331